Masterclass Series in Dental Radiology
This Masterclass series of lectures will earn you 12 hours CPD
Observation lecture 1 (44 mins)
Observation Lecture 2 (20 minutes)
Observation Lecture 3 (20 minutes)
Observation Lecture 4 (40 minutes)
Observation Lecture 5 (45 minutes)
Deduction Lecture 1 (42 minutes)
Deduction Lecture 2 (56 minutes)
Deduction Lecture 3 (42 minutes)
Deduction Lecture 4 (56 minutes)
The paranasal sinuses and dental imaging Lecture 1 (40 minutes)
The paranasal sinuses and dental imaging Lecture 2 (60 minutes)
The paranasal sinuses and dental imaging Lecture 3 (40 minutes)
Radiopaque lesions of the jaws Lecture 1 (50 minutes)
KNOWLEDGE SERIES - Radiopaque lesions of the jaws Lecture 2 (42 minutes)
Structuring the dental radiology report lecture 1 (22 minutes)
Structuring the radiology report lecture 2 (40 minutes)
Structuring the radiology report Lecture 3 (23 minutes)
NEW Dental Imaging information sheet ARPANSA and ADA Aug 2021